This Code of Ethics (hereinafter referred to as "the Code") has been framed and adopted by HGI Industries Limited (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") in compliance with the provisions of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements entered into by the Company with the Stock Exchange.
This Code of Ethics is applicable to Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel viz.,
1.Chief Executive Officer
2.Company Secretary
The Company Secretary is the Compliance Officer for the purpose of this Code.
The code has come into force with effect from 1st January 2006 and future amendments / modifications shall take effect from the date stated therein.
The Board of Directors and Senior Managerial Personnel shall observe the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity and shall work to the best of their ability and judgement.
The Board of Directors and the Senior Management Personnel of the Company shall: -
Act with honesty and integrity including ethically handling actual or perceived conflicts of interest between their personal, financial and commercial interest and their responsibility to HGI Industries Limited.
Make full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in all reports and documents that are filed or submitted to shareholders, government agencies or stock exchanges.
Act in good faith, responsibly and with due care, competence and diligence, without misrepresentation or allowing their objectivity to be compromised.
Respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the ordinary course of their work except when authorized or legally bound to disclose and not use such information for personal gain.
Report known or suspected violations of the Code of Ethics to the Audit Committee.
Ensure that HGI Industries Limited is in full compliance with the law, all applicable rules and regulations and HGI Industries Limited’s policy, in letter and spirit.
Board of Directors and Senior Managerial Personnel shall affirm compliance with this Code on an annual basis as at the end of each financial year of the Company (As per Appendix – I within 7 days of the close of every financial year).
Each Director and Senior Managerial Personnel both present and future shall acknowledge receipt of the Code or any modification (s) thereto, in the acknowledgement form annexed to this Code as Appendix – II and forward the same to the Compliance Officer.
Any breach of the aforesaid Code brought to the notice of the Compliance Officer or any member of the Board or Senior Managerial Personnel shall be reported to the Board of Directors of the Company for necessary action.
: : Vigil Mechanism
: : Code of Practice and procedure for Fair Disclosure of UPSI